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Sale HK012 | 拍品編號 164
珍罕55.01克拉方形天然「緬甸抹谷」無經加熱處理「皇家藍」色藍寶石配鑽石戒指, 'THE NIGHT HORIZON'
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拍品編號 164
珍罕55.01克拉方形天然「緬甸抹谷」無經加熱處理「皇家藍」色藍寶石配鑽石戒指, 'THE NIGHT HORIZON'

Originated from the Greek word “sappheiros”, the sapphire is looked upon as one of the four most precious gemstones present in this world.
As the sapphire symbolizes royalty, nobility and sincerity, it had a significant role in the history and religions of many countries. It performs the role of a guardian gem in Ancient Greece and Rome, believed to have possessed a mysterious link between heaven and Earth. The sapphire is valued by Buddhists as a gem which gives Spiritual Light, bringing peace and happiness to its owner. Meanwhile in the Jewish religion, it was described as a seal-stone in the ring of King Solomon. According to Exodus XXIV.10, the sapphire was referred to as: “There was under his feet as it were a paved work of sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his dearness.” From the beliefs of the Ancient Greek to the many religions, a conclusion can be drawn stating that the sapphire is highly respected gemstone, representing morality and faith.
The Night Horizon is a beautifully rare sapphire, with an extraordinary weight, of over 55 carats, and unexposed to any heat treatment. Found in the depths of a Myanmar mine, The Night Horizon originated from Mogok, an old mine which is known as the home of the most divine and important gemstones of the world. As the demand continues to increase, the supply rapidly fell, causing the number of gems to diminish greatly in number. Lately, large, vivid and clean gemstones have been ever harder to find in the Mogok mine, making The Night Horizon a very important and special sapphire of Mogok. Together with the archer cut, The Night Horizon’s beauty is further emphasized. It has been widely known that this type of cutting reveals the tiniest flaws of a gem, and therefore is scarcely used. However, due to the finest material, the effects on The Night Horizon are the complete opposite; its charms are most disclosed.
The Night Horizon gives off a proud, incredible royal blue colour, a colour significantly known as the most delicate. The royal blue colour is easily shown through the transparency of The Night Horizon, alluring the sights of many to its magnificence. The royal blue of the sapphire leaves an impression of the night, somehow familiar, but somehow managing to hide dozens of secrets every day. This unique sapphire exposes to the observer a whole new feeling. Its breathtaking qualities make it seems unreachable, but impelling those who sets sight the urge to reach for it, just like the horizon of an elegant sky.
This exquisite gemstone triggers a question in every viewer’s mind, asking if they will ever encounter a stone this great again later in their life. A stone, with extremely valued characteristics and a charm no one is able to resist, is an extremely incomparable gift from nature. Adhering an exceptional aura is a sapphire who owns an irresistible charm, a true gift; The Night Horizon.

The Night Horizon 劃破夜幕的華光
象徵權貴、貴族及摯誠的藍寶石,在許多國家的歷史及宗教上扮演著重要的角色。在古希臘及羅馬,藍寶石是守護石,相傳具有神秘的力量貫通天與地。對佛教徒來說,藍寶石釋放靈光,為擁有者帶來祥和與快樂的心境;猶太民族則認為藍寶石是所羅門王戒指上的封印石。此外,藍寶石還曾經出現於《出埃及記》第XXIV 章第10 節。總結古希臘的信念以至種種宗教的說法,藍寶石無疑是道德信仰的象徵,是高度神聖的寶石。
The Night Horizon藍寶石重逾55克拉,完全未有經過加熱處理,無論是質或量都是萬中無一,絕對堪稱稀世奇珍。
緬甸抹谷擁有全球最顯赫的礦藏,開採出最驚世的寶石。這枚碩大的藍寶石便產自尊貴的緬甸抹谷山脈。隨著需求持續上升,礦產漸少,抹谷出產的寶石已愈見稀有。近年,顆粒碩大且色澤濃郁、淨度超凡的抹谷寶石已極度難求,這令The Night Horizon更加彌足珍貴。在切割方面,一般來說,方形階梯式切割會彰顯出寶石的瑕疵,所以珠寶匠甚少會採用這方式去切割寶石。但由於The Night Horizon純淨明亮,這獨特的切割方式反而將這枚藍寶石醉人心弦的光彩完美綻放。
The Night Horizon明淨非凡,色澤濃郁純正,擁有被譽為最頂級的皇家藍色,猶如夜幕低垂下的璀璨華光,閃爍而神秘,旖旎而迷人。這枚瑰寶具備懾人的氣質,是皇者氣派的典範,讓人一見傾心。The Night Horizon無疑是大自然最珍貴的禮物,是夢寐以求的稀世珍品。